
Did anyone head down to Science World Park last weekend to check out the Redbull Fluetag? It was probably the silliest thing I have witnessed in a long time. Grown men (yes - surprisingly it was mostly men, with only the odd woman who had obviously been roped in under duress) pranced about in various costumes on a 10 meter high platform suspended above false creek before jumping aboard their home-made flying contraptions and riding off them end. Unsuprisingly most of them had about as much chance of flying as pigs - although actually the flying pig machine, manned by men in pink tutus, got further than a lot of the other ones that I saw!
Redbull Inc had a group take over the lounge the night before at the restaurant, a lot of redbull was sold and frankly I was surprised that people weren't bouncing off the walls with all the caffeine they had consumed. Redbull works really well for me if I have to hit the town after a hard night at work, but I am not sure I can drink more than one without seeing stars. However, that could be due to the fact that I don't drink coffee (you know how the English like their tea!) so I go a little crossed eyed when consuming large quantities of caffeine.
When I was living in Edinburgh we used to have a cheap vodka and redbull night on Tuesday nights, I think it was $3 per drink - ah the joys of UK priced liquor. I learnt pretty quickly that although I would have a wicked night out, that included a LOT of dancing and other shenanigans, the consequences of my body trying to adjust to an overdose of caffeine and liquor were never pretty.
It was a fun Redbull weekend, but I don't think I will be returning to my caffeine fueled days. Anyone for a cuppa?