Lights! Camera! Action!

Last weekend we were entertaining the stars of the screen and the people that put them there at the kick-off party for Case no. 39, a horror film that is being shot in the wilds of Vancouver.
Has anyone noticed how there seem to be a lot of horror movies being filmed here? I know quite a few Vancouverites who specialize in horror movie production (and I don't know that many people in Vancouver). Maybe it is the rugged, chiseled landscape (no I am not talking about Kitsilano Beach) or the predominance of raw fish that drives Vancouverites to all things horror? But I'm just speculating.
So last Friday the room was buzzing with the cream of Canadian and American film talent, including the starlet of the film herself (no names mentioned.) Typically I had retired to my bed to write my diary before she arrived.
I have realised over the years that I am not destined to rub shoulders with the stars, having lived in Notting Hill for 10 years and never ONCE bumped into anyone remotely famous. My mother, however, regales me with stories like "that nice man John Cleese was picking out his onions at the grocery store today" and "Madonna always hogs the best seats in Starbucks" almost every other day.
My only braggable encounter to date has been my serving the Queen (I know you Canadians love her as much as we do!) at a charity do at St James' Palace. She looks a bit like my grandmother actually - short with curly grey hair, although my gran doesn't quite have the posher than posh voice to go along with it. Obviously when I say "serving" the Queen, she didn't actually take anything from me. Apparently she is not allowed to eat or drink at these events - something to do with people trying to poison her. Now why anyone would want to harm a little old lady like her I have no idea, it's not like she has any real power anymore (controversial!). So I just held a tray of drinks while she slowly went down the row of important guests. And when I say "slowly" I mean "come on Queenie get a move on!" - I had cramp in my arm from holding that tray for 2 days afterwards. Maybe I could have got compensation for an injury caused by the royal personage..........
So come one come all you stars of screen, stage and royal bloodline. I need to have something to talk about when I throw my next fabulous dinner party. You are all welcome at our humble abode, all I ask is that you SHOW ME THE MONEY!
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