LK Dining Lounge Uncut

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Change to House Policy on Large Parties

As a result of discussions with staff and customers, comments on on-line forums and observations of the practices of other restaurants in the area, we have decided to change our policy on large parties. Previously any parties of 6 guests or more were subject to an automatic gratuity of 20% for dinner, this was put in place to protect the servers who have to work doubly hard for large tables and often get short changed when the bill is split between large numbers of customers. However, we have decided to change this policy to the one that follows:

An automatic gratuity of 18% will be added to parties of 6 or more guests.

This will be written on all the menus so that customers are aware of the policy.

Please feel free to contact the manager if you have any comments on this policy or anything written in this blog: